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Create INT and BOOL Matrices in Unreal Engine 5

Use DataMatrix in Unreal Engine 5 to create your own matrix variable. Whether 2D, 3D, or otherwise, store your BOOL or INT variables as a matrix.

DataMatrix - Create INT and BOOL Matrices


The DataMatrix plugin for Unreal Engine enables the efficient management and processing of multidimensional matrices (int32 and bool). It offers comprehensive support for Blueprints, C++, and DataTables, as well as multi-threading features for performance optimization with large data sets.


DataMatrix - Create INT and BOOL Matrices
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DataMatrix: Showcase

Use multidimensional matrices in Unreal Engine directly through Blueprint nodes or C++ functions. The DataMatrix plugin is ideal for projects on Windows, macOS, and Linux, offering efficient management of large data sets and easy integration. With support for DataTables and multi-threading, DataMatrix enables flexible and high-performance data structures. Thanks to comprehensive documentation and user-friendly Blueprints, getting started is effortless for both beginners and experienced developers.

Documentation & News

Table of Contents

Installation and Setup (for Source)

  1. Regenerate project files: Right-click on the .uproject file and select “Generate Visual Studio project files” (or the corresponding tool for your IDE).
  2. Compile project: Open your project in Unreal Engine. The editor should automatically detect and compile the plugin.
  3. Enable plugin: Go to Settings > Plugins, search for “DataMatrix”, and ensure it is enabled.
  4. Enable plugin: Go to Edit > Plugins, search for “DataMatrix”, and ensure it is enabled.
└── Plugins/
    └── DataMatrix/


File Structure


FDataMatrixInt is a USTRUCT that represents a multidimensional matrix for int32 values.
struct DATAMATRIX_API FDataMatrixInt

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<int32> IntMatrix;

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<int32> Dimensions;



FDataMatrixBool is a USTRUCT that represents a multidimensional matrix for bool values.
struct DATAMATRIX_API FDataMatrixBool

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<bool> BoolMatrix;

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<int32> Dimensions;


Usage in Blueprints

Initialization of the Matrix

Synchronized Initialization
  1. InitializeMatrixInt / InitializeMatrixBool
    • Description: Initializes an FDataMatrixInt or FDataMatrixBool structure with the specified dimensions.
    • Inputs:
      • Matrix (Reference): The matrix to be initialized.
      • In Dimensions (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix, e.g., [2, 2] for a 2×2 matrix.
    • Example:
      • Create a variable MyMatrix of type FDataMatrixInt.
      • Use the InitializeMatrixInt node and connect MyMatrix to the Matrix pin.
      • Create a Make Array with [2, 2] and connect it to In Dimensions.
Asynchronous Initialization with Multi-Threading
  1. InitializeMatrixIntAsync / InitializeMatrixBoolAsync
    • Description: Initializes an FDataMatrixInt or FDataMatrixBool structure asynchronously and invokes a callback.
    • Inputs:
      • Matrix: The matrix to be initialized.
      • In Dimensions (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix.
      • On Completed (Delegate): The event that is called after initialization.
    • Example:
      • Create a variable MyMatrix of type FDataMatrixInt.
      • Use the InitializeMatrixIntAsync node and connect MyMatrix, [2, 2], and a custom event OnInitializeMatrixIntCompleted.

Setting and Retrieving Values

SetValueInt / SetValueBool
  • Description: Sets a value (int32 or bool) at the specified indices.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The target matrix.
    • Indices (Array of int32): The position, e.g., [0, 1].
    • Value: The value to set, e.g., 42 or True.
  • Example:
    • Use SetValueInt, connect MyMatrix, [0, 1], and the value 42.
GetValueInt / GetValueBool
  • Description: Retrieves a value (int32 or bool) from the specified indices.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix: The source matrix.
    • Indices (Array of int32): The position, e.g., [0, 1].
  • Output:
    • Return Value: The retrieved value, e.g., 42 or True.
  • Example:
    • Use GetValueInt, connect MyMatrix and [0, 1], and connect the return value to a Print String.

Example: 2x2 and 2x2x2 Matrices

2×2 Matrix
  1. Initialization:
    • Dimensions: [2, 2]
  2. Setting Values:
    • [0,0] = 1
    • [0,1] = 2
    • [1,0] = 3
    • [1,1] = 4
  3. Retrieving Values:
    • Retrieve and display values from [0,0] to [1,1].
2x2x2 Matrix
  1. Initialization:
    • Dimensions: [2, 2, 2] (Layer, Rows, Columns)
  2. Setting Values:
    • [0,0,0] = 1
    • [0,0,1] = 2
    • [0,1,0] = 3
    • [0,1,1] = 4
    • [1,0,0] = 5
    • [1,0,1] = 6
    • [1,1,0] = 7
    • [1,1,1] = 8
  3. Retrieving Values:
    • Retrieve and display values from [0,0,0] to [1,1,1].
Note: In a 2x2x2 matrix, the indices [Layer, Row, Column] are relevant, e.g. [1,1,1] is the second layer, second row, second column.
DataMatrix - Create INT and BOOL Matrices
DataMatrix - Create INT and BOOL Matrices - EXAMPLE

Usage in C++

Initialization of the Matrix

Synchronized Initialization
1.  Inlcude Header:
					#include "DataMatrixFunctionLibrary.h"


2.  Declare and Initialize Matrix:

					FDataMatrixInt MyMatrix;
TArray<int32> Dimensions = {2, 2};
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::InitializeMatrixInt(MyMatrix, Dimensions);
Asynchronous Initialization with Callbacks
1. Create Callback Function:
class YOURPROJECT_API AYourActor : public AActor

    virtual void BeginPlay() override;

    void OnInitializeMatrixIntCompleted(FDataMatrixInt Matrix);


2.Implementation of the Callback Function

					void AYourActor::OnInitializeMatrixIntCompleted(FDataMatrixInt Matrix)
    TArray<int32> Indices = {1, 0};
    UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(Matrix, Indices, 42);
    int32 Value = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(Matrix, Indices);
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert an Position [1,0]: %d"), Value);


3. Start Async Init

					void AYourActor::BeginPlay()

    FDataMatrixInt MyMatrix;
    TArray<int32> Dimensions = {2, 2};

    UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::InitializeMatrixIntAsync(MyMatrix, Dimensions, FOnInitializeMatrixIntCompleted::CreateUObject(this, &AYourActor::OnInitializeMatrixIntCompleted));


Setting and Retrieving Values

Set a Value
					TArray<int32> Indices = {1, 0};
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(MyMatrix, Indices, 42);

Get a Value
					int32 Value = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(MyMatrix, Indices);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert an Position [1,0]: %d"), Value);


Example: 2x2 and 2x2x2 Matrices

2×2 Matrix

1.  Initialization:

					FDataMatrixInt MyMatrix;
TArray<int32> Dimensions = {2, 2};
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::InitializeMatrixInt(MyMatrix, Dimensions);


2. Set a value

					UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(MyMatrix, {0, 0}, 1);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(MyMatrix, {0, 1}, 2);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(MyMatrix, {1, 0}, 3);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(MyMatrix, {1, 1}, 4);


3. Get a Value

					int32 Value00 = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(MyMatrix, {0, 0});
int32 Value01 = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(MyMatrix, {0, 1});
int32 Value10 = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(MyMatrix, {1, 0});
int32 Value11 = UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(MyMatrix, {1, 1});

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [0,0]: %d"), Value00);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [0,1]: %d"), Value01);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [1,0]: %d"), Value10);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [1,1]: %d"), Value11);

2x2x2 Matrix

1.  Initialization:

					FDataMatrixInt My3DMatrix;
TArray<int32> Dimensions3D = {2, 2, 2};
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::InitializeMatrixInt(My3DMatrix, Dimensions3D);


2. Set a value

					UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0, 0, 0}, 1);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0, 0, 1}, 2);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0, 1, 0}, 3);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0, 1, 1}, 4);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {1, 0, 0}, 5);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {1, 0, 1}, 6);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {1, 1, 0}, 7);
UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::SetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {1, 1, 1}, 8);


3. Get a Value

					UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [0,0,0]: %d"), UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0,0,0}));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Wert [0,0,1]: %d"), UDataMatrixFunctionLibrary::GetValueInt(My3DMatrix, {0,0,1}));
// ... bis [1,1,1]


Usage with DataTables

Creating a DataTable

  • 1. Choose Structure:
    • Create a structure compatible with FDataMatrixInt or FDataMatrixBool, e.g.,:
struct DATAMATRIX_API FDataMatrixIntStruct

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<int32> Dimensions;

    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "DataMatrix")
    TArray<int32> Data;

  • 2. Create DataTable:
    • Right-click in the Content Browser and select Miscellaneous > DataTable.
    • Select the created structure (FDataMatrixIntStruct).
  • 3. Name and Edit DataTable:
    • Name the DataTable, e.g., DT_MyDataMatrixInt.
    • Add new rows:
      • Dimensions: [2, 2] for a 2×2 matrix.
      • Data: [1, 2, 3, 4] for the values.

Initialize the Matrix from a DataTable

  • Retrieve DataTable Row:
    • Use the node “Get Data Table Row”.
    • Select the DataTable DT_MyDataMatrixInt.
    • Enter the row name, e.g., Row1.
  • Break Structure:
    • Use “Break FDataMatrixIntStruct” to access Dimensions and Data.
  • Initialize Matrix:
    • Use the node “InitializeMatrixWithDataInt”.
    • Inputs:
      • Matrix: Your matrix variable (MyMatrix).
      • In Dimensions: Connect to Dimensions from the DataTable.
      • In Data: Connect to Data from the DataTable.

Explanation of the Blueprint Nodes

  • Description: Initializes an FDataMatrixInt structure with the specified dimensions.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The matrix to initialize.
    • In Dimensions (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix.
  • Output: None.
  • Description: Initializes an FDataMatrixInt structure with dimensions and predefined data.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The matrix to initialize.
    • In Dimensions (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix.
    • In Data (Array of int32): The data for the matrix.
  • Output: None.
  • Description: Sets an int32 value at the specified indices.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The matrix where the value should be set.
    • Indices (Array of int32): The indices of the position.
    • Value (int32): The value to set.
  • Output: None.
  • Description: Retrieves an int32 value from the specified indices.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix: The matrix from which the value should be retrieved.
    • Indices (Array of int32): The indices of the position.
  • Output:
    • Return Value (int32): The retrieved value.
  • Description: Changes the dimensions of an existing FDataMatrixInt structure.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The matrix to be resized.
    • New Dimensions (Array of int32): The new dimensions.
  • Output: None.
  • Description: Clears the matrix data and dimensions of an FDataMatrixInt structure.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix (Reference): The matrix to be cleared.
  • Output: None.
  • Description: Returns the dimensions of an FDataMatrixInt structure.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix: The matrix whose dimensions are being queried.
  • Output:
    • Return Value (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix.
  • Description: Returns the dimensions of an FDataMatrixInt structure as a comma-separated string.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix: The matrix whose dimensions are being queried.
  • Output:
    • Return Value (String): The dimensions as a string, e.g., "2,2".
  • Description: Asynchronously initializes an FDataMatrixInt structure with the specified dimensions and triggers a callback when the initialization is complete.
  • Inputs:
    • Matrix: The matrix to be initialized.
    • In Dimensions (Array of int32): The dimensions of the matrix.
    • On Completed (Delegate): The event triggered after initialization.
  • Output: None.
For FDataMatrixBool The nodes are analogous to the FDataMatrixInt versions but replace int32 with bool.

Troubleshooting & Common Issues

Delegate Types Not Supported: Ensure that delegates are declared with DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam and passed as const& in functions.
Copy Error with TArray: Ensure that TArray assignments are correct and do not violate const qualifiers. Use mutable in lambda functions when necessary.
Compiler Errors with Lambda Functions: Declare lambdas as mutable to allow modifications to captured copies.
Thread Safety Issues: Implement appropriate synchronization mechanisms when multiple threads access the same data.


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