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Box Shifter
Playstore Rating


Box Shifter is a puzzle platform game in which you have to move boxes to find your way through the levels. Boxes can be moved and teleported to find ways to get to the end of the room. Box Shifter is a simple 3D game for any age group.

The goal is to move boxes to reach the end of each level. You can move boxes, teleport through teleport platforms and climb on top of the boxes. There are also collectables to collect.

The game is only available for Android in the Google Play Store. An iOS version is not planned.

Yes, in Box Shifter some free Unreal Engine Marketplace

assets were used to finish Box Shifter as fast as possible. Box Shifter was created in the course of a challenge to develop a mobile game within one week, with a budget of maximum 50,00€.
Box Shifter aims to show that it is possible to create a mobile game very quickly (if you want to). The game is also an experiment to find out how much advertising revenue you can earn with known advertisers without making the whole game full of ads. This challenge took place on @Der_Sky TikTok channel.


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