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General information

Name and address:
Thorsten Koch
c/o Block Services
Stuttgarter Str. 106
70736 Fellbach

E-mail address: [email protected]
Telephone: +4916097701587
VAT ID No.: DE 335924232

Link to the imprint / privacy policy:


Bei Fragen oder Problemen können Sie über das Kontaktformular oder über support(at) eine Nachricht senden. Diese wird so schnell wie möglich beantwortet.

If you have any questions about and its features, please use the contact form or contact support(at)

Exclusions from community servers, the Comumunity, the channel comment section or similar, will only be taken back if it was a mistake. Violations that were not proven to be wrong will not be taken back. Please compare the items / categories below for more specific responses. Bans / exclusions will only be issued in very bad cases.

If you have been excluded from the YouTube channel “DerSky”, it is not a matter of . If you have any legal questions, please contact the contact information registered on the platform. Alternatively, you can also contact Google, but the owner “DerSky” can decide for themselves who to exclude and who not. This happens if you are insulting to the “Creator” or the community, make false claims or illegal statements.

The owner(s) of the respective community have the right to decide for themselves who is part of the community or not. If a user has been banned from a specific community, such as “Discord”, you should read the reason for the ban with the ToS of Discord and also the community server from which you were banned. The (current) rulebook can be requested afterwards via support(at) Permanent bans are rarely given and will not be taken back unless the community owner has made a mistake. Users who have posted illegal posts, insults, lies or posts against the ToS of the respective platform or against the rules of the respective community will not be unblocked again.

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Texture Channel Packer ist ein kostenloses Tool mit dem du verschiedene Texturen zu einer RGB Textur packen kannst.

Portable Edition – v1.0 | Größe: 10,7 mb

Thank you for your interest in this application.
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Texture Channel Packer is a tool that allows you to pack different textures into one RGB texture.

Portable Edition – v1.0 | Size: 10,7 mb

WELL, WORK IN PROCESS | Check out the German Page, there it is working.